365 Days of Facebook success
Start your day with Facebook marketing
With my help
For entrepreneurs who don’t have time to figure everything out by themselves on Facebook

365 Days of Facebook success
Start your day with Facebook marketing
with my help
Perfect for entrepreneurs who lack time
Every morning a Facebook tip, lesson or advice from Anne Raaymakers in your mailbox
Thousands of entrepreneurs are already successful with 365 days of Facebook Success
What does the course cost?
You published your Facebook Page, however after a while it isn’t working the way you had hoped for
You once started with a Facebook Page and made posts, however after a while you only posted when you had the time (and let’s be real, when do we have time?)
You’re staring at your screen and you have no idea what to post. Before you know it you think: “I’ll just skip today”
You notice that your posts are not reaching your clients
The only ones liking your posts are your mother and your sister.
You know that you need to work on your Facebook marketing and that your customers are on Facebook, but you find it difficult because:
- You spent a lot of time on Facebook Marketing, however, it is not doing anything
- You are frustrated about the lack of likes, reach and comments
- You want to post something every day, however you lack inspiration
- Your Facebook page looks the same for weeks
- You have been trying to increase the number of likes for ages, however nothing seems to work
- You’re starting to ask yourself why you are doing all this

Every day I speak to entrepreneurs who are struggling with their Facebook Marketing. Entrepreneurs who want to achieve results with Facebook, but need help.

What would it look like if I were to help you with your Facebook Marketing?
- You’ll get a system that works
- You’ll start to enjoy Facebook Marketing
- It won’t cost you a lot of time
- You’ll get new inspiration
- You’re improving your online visibility
Isn’t that something you want?
Who is Anne Raaymakers?

Who is Anne Raaymakers?
I’m the author of the Bestselling book “I Like!”. People call me the Facebook Queen, although that always makes me blush a little . Still, I am a leading Marketing Expert for freelancers and SMEs.
I have trained thousands of entrepreneurs and taught them how to make their dreams come true with Online Marketing. I have built a mailing list of over 38,000 addresses, over 20,000 Twitter followers and 50,000 Facebook fans.
I have an average daily organic reach on Facebook of 600,000. Pinterest sends daily hundreds of visitors to my website and blog.
More than 7,000 entrepreneurs all over the world already follow one of my online marketing courses.
Anne, after only 3 days I thought: This course already paid itself. It gives new inspiration and not only for Facebook but even beyond. This is because you start to think about things. Because you are sharing with the people in the group and the things you are sharing with the people around you, you become active again in your company.
I have learned so much already from the daily emails.
I am pushed to do more, and I am being challenged, which I needed. Thank you Anne and all the entrepreneurs in our group!
Can I share AMAZING news with you all?
Last week I received my first order through Facebook !!! Late last week I got my 2nd and this morning my 3rd order. You can imagine that I am full of energy, dancing on my chair and want to share with you that besides reactions on your posts you can really get orders and that that feels amazing! I thought I wouldn’t have enough time to do the assignment; I can’t do them every day. In the end, it is working!
Thank you to everyone within the group and of course to Anne Raaymakers. Thank you Anne, this is an amazing experience and please keep inspire and motivate us.
I hope that I am sending my energy through this message and just want to say: Keep on going!
My course is almost done; however, I can not leave the group without thanking Anne Raaymakers so so much for everything she has done for me and my company!
My company became enormously successful in a very short period.
- So many people signed up for my program
- The results of the program are so amazing and more than I could have ever hoped and dreamed of.
- From all over the country I am being asked if I am still in need of coaches since so many people are interested in working with my programs.
And all of this is because of the AMAZING TIPS that we got. Anne, THANK YOU!
If you participate in 365 Days of Facebook Success, you receive daily a tip, a mini Facebook course, inspiration, advice, or an idea in your mailbox that you can work with.
Remember: You are not alone
When I started my business, I had no idea what I was doing in regard to marketing. I had a free website and a Facebook business page, that was all.
I had no clue what to do next other than showing off my work on my Facebook Page.
Not sure really what to expect, my mom signed me up for this course, it was her present to me. It turned out; it has been the best present I could have gotten from her.
Every day for 365 days I got an email with tips, hints, ideas on how to use Facebook for my business. I went from 200 likes very quickly to 500 and now over 2,000, which is amazing when you think that I do wedding flowers only and do not have a storefront. Every day I looked forward to getting the email, I put to work what Anne suggested, and it worked.
There are so many things within Facebook that I would not have known, understood, or learned how to use it if it wasn’t for this course from Anne. It was a small investment that turned out to be the best investment for my company.
I still use all the tips and tricks today and have learned that marketing does not have to be boring or hard. I have met many other business owners and clients who have commented on my posts. I have been asked what my secret was and all I could answer was: My Dutch lady Anne Raaymakers.
365 Days Facebook Marketing tips
For one year you will receive a daily email with Facebook Marketing tips, a course, advice, inspiration, and motivation.
- You keep access to all the courses and tips
- You will be stimulated every day to work on your Facebook Marketing
- You’ll receive a system that works for you
- You’ll be motivated daily
- You’ll start to understand quickly how Facebook Marketing works and how it is working for YOU
- BONUS 1: This the best part of 365 Days Facebook Success! You’ll get access to a private Facebook group where you can ask questions every day and we help and inspire each other.
- BONUS 2: At the end of the month you will receive all tips bundled together in an e-book. That’s 12 e-books!!
- BONUS 3: Temporarily extra! 120 ideas for conversation starters as a gift. So you can start reaching your clients immediately.
So, 365 days, 365 lessons and tips
Would it cost $365?
No, all this for just $95
Just one payment for an entire year
YES, I want to join 365 Days Facebook Success
(One-time investment of $95)

- Safe payment
- We accept Paypal, Visa, Mastercard, and American Express payments from customers worldwide.
- One-time payment of $ 95. No recurring costs and your course ends automatically after one year.
- You will of course receive an invoice.
Already 2500 entrepreneurs have opted for 365 Days of Facebook success and their results speak for themselves.
In case you still have doubts. This is what participants say about 365 days of Facebook success.
365 Days Facebook Success is amazing. My creativity is stimulated and being a part of the Facebook group makes the experience complete. What an amazing and stimulating group. When I am done with 365 days, I am going to sign up again!
It has only been three days and I already have 24 new likes! That’s (almost) more than I gained in 2020.
I had my doubt on this course for a long time, however if I had known this….
Wow, I am proud: already 600+ likes on my page. Thanks to today’s email, I raced over the 600 likes! Amazing tip today.
Thank you Anne!
YES, I want to join 365 Days Facebook Success
(One-time investment of $95)
Dear Anne, I learned so much from you. Of course it started with your 30 day challenge in 2014 and then the 365 Days Facebook Success in 2015 and missed it so much when that year was finished. I am very happy to start my second course with you tomorrow.
My restaurant, Canadian Corner, in Brunssum, The Netherlands has gained so much popularity thanks to you. I really never believed in marketing as it was expensive and it never really worked for me before, however thanks to you I have learned that it does not have to cost a lot to be a big success. Thank you so so much, one of your biggest fans, Donna
Hi everyone, so nice to see many of you back again with the second course. I didn’t think, I just signed up as soon as I saw this new course with Anne. When I started 2 years ago, I had just gotten a new website, no likes, busy writing my lifestyle program and online training, however I had no clue how to market it.
And then there was Anne….with 365 Days of Facebook Success. That course changed my entire company in a way that I became known all over the country. My goal was from the beginning to reach all of The Netherlands and let’s be honest Anne, your course helped me with that a great deal.
What have I learned? To be visible without being to commercial. That’s the golden key right there.
I am very excited to start this new course and applause everyone who is doing the course with me.
Hi Everyone,
I am Wim Esser and did my first course with Anne in 2015. This course was a real eye opener. Because of this course I started to really like Facebook and I became super motivated to post more on my Facebook page. And the best part: It is working!
It worked in a way that after 2 years, my clientele has grown fourteen-fold. I often get new clients through Facebook and my client network in now worldwide.
This, however, is not without effort and I am on my Facebook page a lot. I am motivated, I like doing it and it is giving me new clients. What else can I ask for?
I wish everyone who is doing the course the same success!
Convinced? Then sign up for 365 Days of Facebook Success
365 Days Facebook Marketing tips
For one year you will receive a daily email with Facebook Marketing tips, a course, advice, inspiration and motivation.
- You keep access to all the courses and tips
- You will be stimulated every day to work on your Facebook Marketing
- You’ll receive a system that works for you
- You’ll be motivated daily
- You’ll start to understand quickly how Facebook Marketing works and how it is working for YOU
- BONUS 1: You’ll get access to a private Facebook group where you can ask questions every day and we help and inspire each other.
- BONUS 2: At the end of the month you will receive all tips bundled together in an e-book. That’s 12 e-books!!
So, 365 days, 365 lessons and tips
And all this for only $95
One payment for the entire year
Yes, I’m in! Let’s start 365 Days of Facebook Success

- Safe payment
- We accept Paypal, Visa, Mastercard, and American Express payments from customers worldwide.
- One-time payment of $ 95. No recurring costs and your course ends automatically after one year.
- You will of course receive an invoice.
I’ve been doing Facebook Success for more then a year now, because after the last day, I just started repeating the daily assignments. The only thing I can say is: WOW! The content is valuable, every day again. Anne keeps me focussed and keeps me informed on the latest changes with Facebook marketing. I am so happy with the results and also with the motivation to be more visible and to give more value to my clients. The interaction is the private Facebookgroup is GOLD!
I have learned so much from Anne and from everyone in the group who has been sharing their posts. My page has grown from 160 likes to 835, something I couldn’t imagine when I started 365 Days of Facebook Success.
Since January I can really say that all the energy I put in Facebook Marketing has been paid off with new clients. Anne, thank you so much for everything.
I am doing the Facebook course and it is working! Really, the amount of people who are now coming through Facebook to my web shop has increased enormously. It is intensive and it needs time, however it is also a lot of fun.
Yes, I’m in! Let’s start these 365 Days of Facebook Success
Frequently Asked Questions
I don’t have a business page on Facebook yet, can I still Participate?
Yes, you can participate, I will explain how to create a business page on Facebook.
Can I start next month?
Yes, you sure can! You can start at any time.
I am spending a fair bit of time on Facebook already, however, I haven’t gained anything yet
Spending a fair bit of time on Facebook is not the best marketing strategy. You must apply smart techniques and be where your future client is. This saves you time and money and you learn all that in 365 Days Facebook Success
I don’t do anything on Facebook yet, is this something for me?
Heck yes!! 365 Days of Facebook Success is very suitable for beginners. We start at the beginning.
What if I cannot do the assignment or lesson of the day?
You can save the email from that day for a day when you do have time. No lesson or tip is time-bound and you will receive all tips and inspiration bundled in an e-book every month.
Can I participate in my own pace with 365 Days of Facebook Success?
Yes, you can do everything at your own pace and you always have access to all tips and access to the help desk group for a year.
I am not at all technical. Is this course something for me?
Yes, technology is not the main issue in Facebook marketing.
Is this course a tax write off?
You can enter it as a marketing course, hence a tax write off.